
This time living under COVID-19 is like none other.  The world has more or less come to a halt–stay at home orders, the shut down of restaurants, shops, entertainment venues, sporting events and the list goes on and on.  The sheer tragedy of this pandemic is something that I have yet to wrap my head around.  As our country enters the worst week, I shudder to read the news of the death toll on the rise.

The days all seem to blend together or as many have said to me, “each day feels like Groundhog Day.”  For those of us who are blessed to still be able to work (I certainly don’t take that for granted) and who aren’t at the front lines caring for patients or even working the grocery stores, it’s hard to know exactly when to stop and end the work day.  But if that’s the least of my worries, I’ll take it.

Despite the darkness around us, I am working to find joy during this time.  I’m structuring my days around activities like eating, praying and running.  I would like to say that I’ll be ready to run another marathon by the time this is finished…but I’ve also been eating more than usual.  And snacking is hard to say no to when the kitchen is just a few feet away from the workspace!

Some little blessings…spring has been gorgeous in northern Virginia.  I’m exploring every nook and cranny of my neighborhood (thank goodness running hasn’t been banned!) and it’s been fun to see the sidewalk art/phrases, the beautiful flowers and trees and the creativity of children making do with the great outdoors and the toys they already have available.  I see stuffed animals in the trees and umbrella forts in the common areas.  I just hope they are practicing social distancing.  I even spotted an Easter egg hunt the other day throughout the neighborhood via drawn eggs with sidewalk chalk.

I continue to pray each day with friends that this virus and all the devastation that has come with it will end soon.  May we hope and pray that God will see us through to the other side as a kinder, gentler and more humble people.

What is getting you through the long days?  Leave a comment! 


About mileoneandcounting

I'm a young professional living in the Washington, DC area. Since moving here in 2007 I have honed a passion for running and fitness. Growing up I played soccer and softball (and tested track & field for one year). After college I ran a few 5K races, but running was really only a means to staying in shape for me. Never in my wildest imagination had I thought I'd ever run a marathon, let alone three. Nor did I think I'd get the running bug after doing so, but I'll admit I'm hooked! Over the years my blog has grown into so much more than a running blog though. Sometimes I have deep thoughts. Other times I'm simply sharing a training story or a review of a product. Here's the place where you'll learn about me through my many adventures--even I enjoy going back to re-read some posts from time to time. I've also been able to hone my love for health and wellness through my business called IDLife which stands for Individually Designed Life. I'd love to help inspire you to live your best life yet so please don't hesitate to reach out to me and may my words resonate with you. See you on the trails...
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2 Responses to Eat-Pray-Run

  1. Ken Ikeda says:

    I think an unanticipated benefit of the lockdown is the moving of many meetings to teleconferencing platforms like Zoom, which has allowed folks to join from distant locations that might not have been able to otherwise.

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