How Yoga Has Helped My Swimming

Although, I do not consider myself a swimmer, one day I may break into the triathlon world.  After all there must come a point where I will need a new challenge.  I have always admired those who swim and make it look so effortless.

Today’s guest blogger, Rebekah Johnson, shares with us the value of how yoga has helped her swimming.  I know the same could apply to running which reminds me I need to be a bit more aware of implementing yoga into my training plan. Enjoy her post…

Guest Blogger:  Rebekah Johnson, Pink Lotus Yoga

I have been swimming competitively on and off since I was 6 years old. Being in the water often feels more natural than being on dry land. I have found the joy in open water distance swimming in the ocean, rivers and bays. I started practicing yoga about 10 years ago; in the last 4 years it has become part of my daily routine. I love the way I feel after practicing, both physically and mentally. Over the past year I felt a shift in my yoga practice. I was able to go deeper into my practice, and have experienced a whole new side to yoga, physically, mentally and emotionally.

As the summer approached I started to plan my open water-swimming schedule. I started the season with a river swim. This year I opted for the 2.4 mile swim, while last year I stuck with the 1.2 mile. I knew this would offer a whole new challenge physically and mentally. But I was prepared. I practiced in the pool, and worked to build up my distance. As the day approached I had a mix of nerves and excitement. I knew I had what it physically took to finish the race, but now the challenge was to swim faster and smarter.

I arrived early and got my cap and timing chip and found a spot to get ready before the race. Put my earphones in and allowed myself to tune out all the activity around me—the hundreds of swimmers and family buzzing around. I began to stretch, and without thinking about it moved right into sun salutations. I was ready, stretched warmed up and excited. As we got into the water the anticipation began to build; it’s hard to think of anything else but reaching the first buoy without getting kicked or kicking someone else. The race started, and I found my rhythm. The first 1.2 mile loop was smooth, it felt good. As I rounded the first turn I started to notice how this swim was different than any other swim I had ever done. Why was this? I asked myself, what was so different this year as compared to years past. My first thought was this feels like a really good yoga practice.

Why did it feel like a yoga practice? I can break it down into 3 contributing parts: physically, mental and the breath. Physically, I see the changes in my body from my daily yoga practice. My muscles are stronger, I stand taller, and I’m overall healthier and happier. Beyond the obvious physical changes I noticed that I was able to control where I used energy. I didn’t have to work as hard to go faster. It just seemed to happen. I could feel the space in my body. In class we talk about creating space and moving into that space. Space in the shoulders, in the chest, between the ribs and the hips, lengthen the spine. I felt this space with each stroke. I have had great swimming coaches in my life, tons of drills on how to lengthen the stroke, I was taught how to get the most out of each pull. But this felt different, I felt like each stroke was long and smooth, there was no struggle. The energy I was conserving allowed me to complete all 2.4 miles.

Mentally, before each class we ask that everyone block out outside distractions, to allow the focus to turn inward. As my strokes became longer and stronger I worked my way into a rhythm. I blocked out the swimmers around me, the splashing and kicking. Instead of thinking about how much further I still had to swim I had appreciated how far I had already gone. My thoughts turned inward, and I found an internal rhythm that kept me going.

And lastly:  the breath. The rhythm was the sound and the feeling of my own breath. While yoga breathing and swimming breathing are on the outside much different, it is still breathe, it is still prana, it is still life force. In yoga we breathe in and out of the nose. Pulling the air deep into the belly with each inhale and letting go of all the air on each exhale, making space for new fresh air. We all breathe, but if you ever take a moment to stop and notice your breath chances are it is quick and not very deep. By pulling the breath deep into the belly, expanding the ribs and lung capacity we can take in more oxygen which results in more energy and more life. Swimming breathe, on the other hand tends to be more of a mouth breath, and it happens pretty quickly. Inhale, head in water, blow out the breath, turn head breathe, this formula sounds simple enough. What I started to notice was that I was able to slow this pattern down without becoming short of breath. I could inhale deeper into the belly, and exhale all the air out. The feeling I got with this was more energy and a deeper, longer stroke. I didn’t have to take as many breaths, which allowed me to stay in a more consistent pattern.

My swim felt like a yoga practice, a complete union of mind, body, breath.  It was an amazing experience for me.  Overall I was stronger and more confident in my stroke and more consistent over the 2.4 miles. So it got me thinking. How has yoga affected other areas of my life?  This connection can be associated with anything you do, whether it is a distance swim, run or bike (or a combo of all three), playing a musical instrument, hiking or just playing with the kids in the yard. Begin to look at your activities and notice a change. And if yoga isn’t part of your daily practice yet, think about what could be affected by adding it into your life. Being stronger and more flexible both physically and mentally, standing taller, breathing deeper. These are things that everyone can benefit from.

About mileoneandcounting

I'm a young professional living in the Washington, DC area. Since moving here in 2007 I have honed a passion for running and fitness. Growing up I played soccer and softball (and tested track & field for one year). After college I ran a few 5K races, but running was really only a means to staying in shape for me. Never in my wildest imagination had I thought I'd ever run a marathon, let alone three. Nor did I think I'd get the running bug after doing so, but I'll admit I'm hooked! Over the years my blog has grown into so much more than a running blog though. Sometimes I have deep thoughts. Other times I'm simply sharing a training story or a review of a product. Here's the place where you'll learn about me through my many adventures--even I enjoy going back to re-read some posts from time to time. I've also been able to hone my love for health and wellness through my business called IDLife which stands for Individually Designed Life. I'd love to help inspire you to live your best life yet so please don't hesitate to reach out to me and may my words resonate with you. See you on the trails...
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3 Responses to How Yoga Has Helped My Swimming

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